Tuesday 28 May 2013


            Anorexia can be termed as an eating disorder, self-starvation that can result in loss of body weight below the normal. It is one of the eating disorders which has the highest levels of physical and psychological comorbidity and mortality. It is caused by a complex interaction of factors that are genetic, biological, behavioural, psychological and social in nature. This disease can be accompanied with hypersensitivity and hyperthermia. It mainly affects females. Currently, people have become obsessively anxious to maintain or reduce their body weight via rigid control of their calorie intake (Steiner & Lock, 1998).

            There is preoccupation of the body weight and also the food. It controls the varieties and the amount of food one eats. Alternatively, their health is at risk especially with continual need to lose weight even when they are so thin and their distorted perception of how they look. Biological, psychological and sociological factors influence the development of this eating disorder. The issues of personal control that exist between child and parent, the reluctance to mature physically and emotionally contribute to anorexia (Bulik, 2001). Poor body image and low self–esteem can result in an eating disorder. In some instances, a life crisis such as change of relationships or childbirth can contribute too.

            The intense fear to gain weight has made them lose the ability to take the normal diet. Media and the fashion industry have been attributed to play a part in anorexia disease. Thus, they feel that their value of being appreciated and liked lies on their body shape and weight. Their emotional needs are often not met in their lives and this has been attributed to unstable family backgrounds and trouble making friends. Most of the victims die due to direct physical impacts of the weight loss or through suicide. Due to low body weight certain serious medical problems can be caused. Such problems include low blood pressure, poor circulation, dehydration, kidney damage, increased facial hair, low body temperature and brittle bones (Hudson, Hiripi, Pope, & Kessler,2007).The body is denied the essential nutrients required for the normal body functioning.

            The nutritional management of persons with anorexia forms a fundamental part of the solution. The victim should be encouraged to seek professional help especially when the physical condition has been checked. It is fundamental to grant them love and support. For instance, meal times should not be a battle field where emotions such as frustration and anger are expressed. Having discussions concerning food intake or weight encourages the victim to utilize this eating disorder as a tool to manipulate other persons. Adequate nutrition, reduction of excessive exercise and stoppage of purging behaviours form the basis of the treatment of anorexia (Steinhausen, 2008). Talk therapy and medication forms the effective and efficient means of treating this eating disorder. The treatment plans are normally tailored to the individual needs and may encompass the following: individual, group psychotherapy, medical care and monitoring, nutritional counselling and medications. Communication is very paramount; have time to talk about food and other life-related subjects. Prompt intensive treatment fundamentally will improve the chances of recovery with persons with anorexia (Reijonen, Pratt, Patel & Greydanus, 2003). The use of medications such as mood stabilizers and antidepressants can treat patients suffering from anorexia.

 Anorexia in the USA

            According to the American Psychiatric Association, about 90-95% of the victims of anorexia are women and girls.  Excessive pre occupation with self-identity is a vital factor in the proliferation of anorexia. When compared with other mental health conditions, it has one of the highest death rates. It appears in early to mid- adolescence. Dieting as a normalized behaviour poses a risk factor for the development of anorexia. Some young individuals can be influenced to feel bad in regards to their bodies thus engaging in unhealthy dieting behaviours. Due to cultural misunderstanding of the anorexia and idealization of thinness, the victims are not able to assess the gravity of their disease (Steiner & Lock, 1998). As a result they are unable to seek advice and assistance from close family members, friends or clinicians. Alternatively, serious mental and physical health impacts including death can be witnessed among the patients (American Psychiatric Association, 2005).

            Treatment of anorexia in the US includes therapy and medical monitoring. Upon complete remission, the patients can contribute as important members in the society (Le Grange Agras, Dare2001). Expert, skilled and clinical practitioners are fundamental when diagnosing, treating and supporting the anorexia recovery process. The treatment ensured that the patients were restored to their previous healthy weights and the psychological issues related to anorexia treated too. Behaviours or thoughts that could lead to insufficient eating or cause a relapse were reduced or eliminated (National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2004).



American Psychiatric    Association (APA), (2005).Let’s Talk Facts About Eating Disorders.    Retrieved on 17th May 2013 at

            http://www.healthyminds.org/Document-Library/Brochure-Library/Eating-         Disorders.aspx.

Bulik, C.M, (2001). Eating disorders in adolescents and young adults. . Child and Adolescent    Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 11: p.201-18

James I. Hudson, Eva Hiripi, Jr., Harrison G. Pope, & Ronald C. Kessler. (2007). "The Prevalence      and Correlates of Eating Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication,"         Biological Psychiatry, 348-358.

Lock    J, Le Grange D, Agras, W.S, Dare C. (2001).Treatment Manual for Anorexia Nervosa: A        Family-based Approach. New York:  Guilford Press. 

National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). (2004).Core interventions in the treatment and            Management of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. London:   British   Psychological   Society.

Reijonen, J.H, Pratt, H.D, Patel, D.R & Greydanus, D.E (2003). Eating disorders in the            adolescent population: an overview. Journal of Adolescent Res, 18(3): p.209-222

Steiner H, Lock J. (1998). Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in children and adolescents: a             review of the past ten years. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescents Psychiatry, 37:352-359

Steinhausen, H. C. (2008). Outcomes of eating disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric      Clinics of North America, 18: 225-242


Sunday 28 April 2013

The Great Wall

The Great Wall of China was my choice in this assessment because I found that the wall is one of the oldest and most famous monuments in the world. The wall was built by China's first emperor, Qing Shi Huang, as a protection against the barbarians in the north and as a safeguard from other threats. The construction began in the 7th century B.C. which is centuries ago (considering that the work took place in a very old and traditional environment and the tools used would be so ancient and non – technological – making the project very unique and special).

As mentioned above, this wall was built to protect China from intruders. This monument is situated in northern China from the west to the east including Jiayu Pass in Gansu Province and the mouth of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province.

Under the Ming Dynasty in 1368, the wall was revived and extended further. It is not possible to give the exact time period which it took to build the wall but by the comparison of the starting to end period, one can state that lot of time and years were spent to complete this marvelous wall.

Various Dynasties that were involved in the construction and completion of the China Wall as below:

·         The Great Wall was started in the 7th century B.C by Qing Shi Huang

·         The first parts were completed about 200 B.C

·         The last parts were added over 200 years during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

The above information was derived from the Internet whereby many stories and different information gives the time period. Further, various generations and emperors were involved in this construction leading to a large period of time and considering the length (6000 KM) of the wall, the construction time period was extended.

The great wall was built with a lot of components such as lime, bricks, blocks of rocks and stones - this variety of materials was only for the eastern section of the wall. That means each side have their own materials; for example, the western sections of the Great Wall did not use the same materials, but rather used mud, straw, grass and pounded earth in wooden frames. The workers constructing that wall did not use a specific resource of the material but they used what was useful for this wall around them; that means if they are working in the mountains they will use the crude rocks and if they are working in the jungle they will use the body of the trees but in the Ming Dynasty time they used the bricks due mainly to technology. Depending on the historical data, the workforce was divided into three groups: soldiers, common people and criminals.

Since the Qin Dynasty (221BC - 206BC) period, the construction of the Great Wall was one of the biggest projects where the Emperor - Qin Shihuang had ordered millions of people to complete the project

The main construction group included mostly soldiers. During the building of the Wall of Northern Qi (550-5570) and during the Qin Dynasty, around 300,000 soldiers were involved in the building of the Wall (which took place after General Meng Tian conquered the Huns). It took over 9 years to complete the work. To keep the soldiers happy, the Court arranged for widows to marry them.

The common public was called in to support the building of the Wall. The Northern Qi’s wall required 18,000,000 workers. While the section of Sui’s Wall in Inner Mongolia required more than1, 000,000 workers. Other than the 300,000 soldiers, Qin’s wall was completed by an additional 500,000 common men.

To complete the wall, even the criminals were forced to build stating it as their punishment. During the day, they were required to patrol the wall, and at night, build and extend the wall. Over 4 years of hard labor was required per the laws at that time.
Nowadays, China is one of the most interesting countries for the tourists because it has a lot of nice places such as the great wall. It has lasted till now and this is a strong role to make China a favorable place. There are 10 million visitors every year and this will play a good role to refresh the economy and the reputation.


"China's Great Wall Crumbles as Tourism Soars : Discovery News : Discovery News." Discovery News. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. <http://news.discovery.com/earth/great-wall-of-china-deteriorating.htm>.

"Great Wall Labor Force, Workers Building the Wall." China Travel Agency with 24/7 Tour Service - TravelChinaGuide. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. <http://www.travelchinaguide.com/china_great_wall/construction/labor_force.htm>.

"Great Wall Tours: Packages to Mutianyu Great Wall, Badaling Great Wall, Jinshanling and more Great Wall of China Tours - Tour-Beijing.Com." Beijing Tour: Beijing Tours, Beijing China Tours - Tour-Beijing.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. <http://www.tour-beijing.com/great_wall/>.

"Great Wall of China tourists cram on to wonder of the world - Mirror Online." Mirror Online: Number one for news, opinion, sport & celebrity gossip. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. <http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/great-wall-of-china-tourists-cram-1360883>.

"How long did it take to build the Great Wall of China." The Q&A wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. <http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_long_did_it_take_to_build_the_Great_Wall_of_China>.

"What was the material building the Great Wall?." China Tours 2013, Yangtze River Cruise, Visit Our China. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. <http://www.visitourchina.com/china_great_wall/faq_01.htm>.

"Who built the Great Wall of China." The Q&A wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. <http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_built_the_Great_Wall_of_China>.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Youths put skills ahead of money

The massage of the youths in the Emirati Youth Forum was improving us and getting the job skills is more important than the money. They did a voting session and the result was as follows; the most voted to growing and promotion as the most important in a job offer and the lowest was the salaries and working hours. Also, in that Forum most of the attenders believed that working in the private sector is more demanding than working for the government. The biggest rate was seeing the private sector provide more challenges to their workers and some of the attenders see the opposite.

They were concerned about increasing the awareness of the private sector by making more job fairs, career guidance, workshops and offering sponsorship to the fresh graduates from the colleges or universities. Another survey of Emirati youth found that 70 per cent of respondents consider that the growing and promotion opportunities are more helpful than selecting a job based on the salaries or the benefits.

The UAE government did the annual Tawdheef show to let the youth merge with the public and private sector vacancies under the Emiratisation plan.  Most of the Emirati youth believe that the private sector does not always provide sufficient motivation for them.

cash loan boost for hydroponics farmers

Nowadays, the farmers in the UAE get support from the Government to convert their farms to hydroponics by giving them cash loans. Hydroponics allows them to use less water and get more yields and you can dispense with the soil so no more pesticides and fertilizer. The system involves a mix of the nutrients such as perlite, gravel, peat, sand, rockwool and others. The process of converting is expensive so the Khalifa Fund helps farmers to convert. The centre’s objective is to cover all farms in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain in a year with this system. ADFSC is supporting this tactic in the Western Region and there are some of the fruits and vegetables can’t find in all seasons but now ADFSC expects to change that information and may ensure that you will find all the types of fruit and vegetables throughout the year.

Sunday 10 March 2013

How do Gulf corals beat the heat?

The waters in the Gulf are hot and it is strange when you think about the corals and how they beat the heat. In fact, the corals live in symbiosis with a type of algae that lives inside the coral’s tissue and the algae provides sugars to the coral and this is one of the reasons which let the corals beat the heat in the GCC countries. There is a problem: when anyone of them dies the others cannot live for a long time and without the green of the algae the coral can live for one week only. The skeleton in the coral is made of calcium carbonate that is the same as the people so carbonic acid affects on it but there are some kinds of enzymes that beat the oxidative stress and the heat stress. Corals reproduce in two ways through fragmentation or larval production.  After spawning events the small larvae take one week until they develop the ability to attach themselves to a rocky surface.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

New Pearl Museum in RAK. Summary 1

There are many legends about pearl and they are beautiful and precious things. Also, the pearl has had effect on the local culture and economy. There is a new pearl museum in RAK and its operation manager is Al Suwaidi. He likes this kind of treasure and he gives a tour of the museum. RAK is a good place which has a lot of the pearl trading history documents. He has a document which proves that Julfar which is known as RAK was the center of this industry and this is the reason to open this museum, as he said.

With the advent of cultured pearls the people decreased using the natural pearl. The museum is located on Al Qawassim Corniche. It belongs to RAK Pearls Holding company. There are leaders in it to show the visitors the parts of the museum. On the first floor they do a historical journey and there is information about how the divers used the oil on their bodies because they face a lot of the dangers in the sea. On the second floor there is information about the difference between natural and cultured pearls and details about the diving season.

Sunday 24 February 2013

First reflective statement

Our course is about academic reading and writing and the period of this course is 4 times in a week; every class takes one hour. I am going to improve my skills in reading and there are some useful exercises on the vocabulary. Also I am going to learn in this course how to write an assay and some projects; from these quizzes I will be better than before in reading and writing.

In the past, I learned the basic things in the English language and I took some exercises in speaking, reading, listening and writing. If anybody tells me give yourself a score out of ten before this course I can tell him or her five. My expectation in this course is to increase the level of reading and understanding of the sentences very well and the level of writing and coordinating the sentences.

  My teacher’s name is Hedley and he is from England and he was born in Newcastle. He works in the Higher College of Technology in Abu Dhabi for the male branch as a teacher. He teaches us how we can use the blogger website and he linked us together to increase the communication between us.

I hope in this course to increase my skills in English language and change my weakness into strengths.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

The Hajj

Muslims from all over the world go to Mecca in KSA to make the Hajj. This is one of the five roles in Islamic life. It begins on the eighth day of Dul-Hijjah. It comes from the Islamic calendar and the period of the Hajj is six days. During the Hajj Muslims dress in white robes called the Ihram. There is a mosque which is special to Muslims and inside it there is the Ka’aba. They have to face the Ka’aba when they pray five times a day. The pilgrims must do like Mohammed did for the steps of the Hajj. The Hajj is the biggest event which Saudi Arabia’s authorities organize. All pilgrims must be vaccinated against some viruses. Before entering Mecca pilgrims must clean themselves. Then they have to walk around the Ka’aba 7th times. After that they have to walk between Safa and Marwa 7th times. On the first day they stay in Mina and the next morning they travel to Arafat where Mohammed did his last sermon. Then that same night they camp in Muzdalifah.  After that they have to come back to Mina. Pilgrims throw 7th pebbles at each of the three statues at the Jamraat. Muslims believe that Satan tempted Abraham. Then the pilgrims return to Mecca to preform Tawaf and Safa and Marwa. Then they return to Mina for three days to pray. Finally, they make the farewell Tawaf.