The massage of the youths in the
Emirati Youth Forum was improving us and getting the job skills is more
important than the money. They did a voting session and the result was as follows;
the most voted to growing and promotion as the most important in a job offer
and the lowest was the salaries and working hours. Also, in that Forum most of the
attenders believed that working in the private sector is more demanding than
working for the government. The biggest rate was seeing the private sector
provide more challenges to their workers and some of the attenders see the
They were concerned about increasing
the awareness of the private sector by making more job fairs, career guidance,
workshops and offering sponsorship to the fresh graduates from the colleges or
universities. Another survey of Emirati youth found that 70 per cent of
respondents consider that the growing and promotion opportunities are more helpful
than selecting a job based on the salaries or the benefits.
The UAE government did the annual
Tawdheef show to let the youth merge with the public and private sector
vacancies under the Emiratisation plan.
Most of the Emirati youth believe that the private sector does not
always provide sufficient motivation for them.